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Fire Installation

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Fire Installation

In our country and in the world, serious loss of life and property occurs due to fire disasters. Fire is a disaster that is uncertain when and where it will start and how long it will last cannot be predicted. The first condition of preventing the loss of life and property in fire is to prevent the fire from occurring and to take appropriate measures. The second condition is to prevent the fire from growing and spreading by intervening early when a fire occurs.

Ensuring that the fire is extinguished and taking the necessary precautions for the safe evacuation of people from the building during the fire is a field of expertise in the field of mechanical installation in the construction industry.

As a result of the “Regulation on the Protection of Buildings from Fire”, which entered into force on 19.12.2007, various measures have to be taken in buildings related to fire safety throughout Turkey.

As Dwg engineering, we produce projects that comply with this regulation and the fire standards of other countries.

There are different types of fire installations in buildings. These are divided into two as wet and dry systems. Even if there are fire installation calculations in different models, installations are generally divided into two as dry and wet systems. Both systems are effective in extinguishing the fire. Dry systems are mostly used in places where there is a possibility of water leakage or freezing. It is very advantageous to use dry systems in these places. It finds air, nitrogen, CO2 and similar gases. In case of fire, extinguishing is done by providing water flow. By creating a fire installation account, it can be ensured that the event does not grow too much in case of any fire. These installations are among the most effective measures to be taken against fires.

Many materials can be used in a fire installation. Generally, the materials used vary depending on the type of installation. Because there are different fire system models designed to be used in business and living spaces. However, things other than water can also be used to extinguish the fire. It is possible that the system will also change depending on what will be used. There are also fire extinguishing installations that work with foam and similar things. Basically every fire installation has a sprinkler valve or something like that. This valve opens automatically in case of fire. At the same time, there is a sprinkler head and a similar head for spraying water or foam and similar things. One of the important materials of the installation is the piping system products. The substance to be used in fire extinguishing circulates throughout the building through pipes.


The purpose of smoke control and evacuation systems is to ensure life safety. It is to provide an air quality where people can live by breathing until they leave the fire area. Smoke should be prevented from entering areas such as stair exits and elevator halls so that people do not encounter smoke when they enter a possible chaos, their visibility distances are reduced or they do not lose their lives while escaping due to breathing difficulties.

Many buildings have sprinkler systems, fire detection systems, extinguishing systems or passive fire prevention systems. “Then what is the need for smoke control?” may be considered. However, the number of people who died from smoke poisoning in fires is much higher than the number of people who died by burning. Therefore, in fact, smoke is much more risky than fire, flame.